difference between migration agent and migration lawyer

What are the Main Differences Between a Migration Agent and a Migration Lawyer?

Are you planning to migrate to Australia? If yes, then you would be taking the help of a migration agent in Adelaide, right? But, wait! Unlike others, we are expecting that you must be aware of the differences between a migrant agent and a migrant lawyer. If not, then you are at the right place. Although there are many similarities in the work they do such as both assist with Australian Immigration yet there are dissimilarities too. But, you don’t need to worry, we are here to drive you through some of the key differences between the two. Let us not wait for any more seconds and dive in right to highlight both things in a little detail.

What Are The Main Differences Between a Migrant Agent & Migrant Lawyer?

You have to understand that it is only a registered migration agent who can help with any Australian visas. They are well-versed with the inside-outs of any visa including preparing, or helping to prepare, a visa, nomination or sponsorship application and guiding a visa applicant or sponsor regarding a visa or sponsorship application or any other critical visa matter. Besides, an immigration lawyer might not be a registered migration agent.

An Australian immigration lawyer who isn’t a registered migration agent can be incorporated in and appear in court whilst reviewing legal proceedings involving visa issues. They are not at all experts in advising or preparing visa applications. If we want to talk in a nutshell, if you want to take advice on which visa you should apply for, assisting in preparing a visa application, and want legal advice on some of the problems that you may face such as visa refusals and cancellations, then the best thing you can do is to hire an Immigration Lawyer who is also a Registered Migration Agent.


Well, it’s not difficult to guess that you would be wondering about why an Immigration Lawyer who is also a Registered Migration Agent increases your chances of acquiring an Australian visa? Well, don’t scratch your head. We will explain to you the reason behind it. An immigration lawyer who is also a migrant agent is highly qualified as he/she will be holding a law degree whereas a simple migrant agent won’t be having such a degree. This ultimately pinpoints the fact that an immigration lawyer will be having vast experience and exceptional knowledge regarding the handling & interpretation of Australian laws & cases and can also bestow the rightful legal advice that a registered migration agent won’t be able to do.

However, it’s not uncommon for a registered migration agent and immigration lawyer to work together. In Australia, most of the time they show up simultaneously in the Australian high court. In these cases, the migration agent presents the in-depth knowledge of Australian immigration laws whereas the immigration lawyer aids in speeding up the whole judicial process and takes the charge/lead in the courtroom.

Key Takeaways

Here, you must have understood the importance of having a registered migrant agent by your side. However, if that is an immigration lawyer as well then things can be much better for you. Isn’t it? If you are in the dilemma of hiring an immigration lawyer or registered migration agent, you can then first contact a migration agent in Adelaide who can at least guide you with the best advice on which Australian visa you should proceed with.

Also Read: Why You Should Hire a Migration Agent in Adelaide for Visa Processing?